🤖Interface Installation

Creating a conda environment

You can either download Anaconda or Miniconda. After installation run the following to create a virtual environment specifically for ROAR_PY

conda create -n roar_py python=3.8

With this command you have create a virtual environment with python3.8 installed! Now let's activate this environment

conda activate roar_py

It would be nice to check the version of python is correct

python --version

You can do conda deactivate at any time to deactivate the virtual environment

Clone the ROAR_PY repository

Because ROAR_PY is an abstract layer, we have to install some backend implementations to verify that it works. Easiest way to do so is via installing the Carla Simulator.

Let's clone down this repository.

git clone https://github.com/augcog/ROAR_PY

After that we can install all the dependencies and the package itself

cd ROAR_PY/roar_py_core
pip install -e .

Great! Now we're ready to use ROAR_PY interface.

Last updated