🥰General Submission Instructions

General Submission Instructions

If you look inside the ROAR_Competition/competition_code folder, you will see that there are three files competition_runner.py, infrastructure.py and submission.py.

To test evaluate your solution, you can run

conda activate roar_competition
cd ROAR_Competition/competition_code
python3 competition_runner.py

Please leave out infrastructure.py and competition_runner.py for any modifications since we will be using an unmodified version of them to evaluate your solutions.

If you want to fetch data from sensors, use get_last_observation() or use get_last_gym_observation(). You may not use receive_observation() or RoarPyWorld.step() apis in your submission!

When submitting, modify ROAR_Competition/README.md so that it includes special instructions for your solution.

Also create a ROAR_Competition/requirements.txt if you want any additional packages to be installed.

Make sure to back up your code regularly by doing git commit and git push!


To officially submit to the ROAR Competition, please refer to our official competition website for more information

Last updated